P3 Boland Review
"After five years of using a 17-inch output monitor in my review system, I learned that what I really need was a 24- to 32-inch model for color grading apps because it’s really true that a larger monitor makes it…
"After five years of using a 17-inch output monitor in my review system, I learned that what I really need was a 24- to 32-inch model for color grading apps because it’s really true that a larger monitor makes it…
"We just recently purchased 4, SEL20 monitors for our online and offline rooms at Team Detroit. The quality and pricing of this particular monitor has greatly improved the viewing for our editors and clients. They came from the factory pre-calibrated…
Posted By Ken Kerschbaumer, Editorial Director On August 9, 2011 @ 2:23 pm In Insider "Game Creek Video this week will roll out the second of two new 53-foot expando units that will be used by ESPN this fall. Justice,…